Griffin Welding

Igniting a Red-Hot Rebrand and Website

Forging the future with strength, consistency, and an unwavering commitment to excellence, Griffin Welding shapes more than metal; they sculpt transformative experiences tailored for every customer's unique needs.

Project Timeline
My Role
Art Director
Tools Used

Where the Sparks Begin to Fly

Griffin Welding, a Connecticut-based welding company founded by Peter in 2017, has positioned itself as a premier provider of welding services to various industries. Despite its success, Griffin Welding faced challenges with its branding and online presence, prompting owner Peter to embark on a journey to revamp the company's image and improve its web platform.

The Challenge

Griffin Welding's existing branding was robust but lacked the harmonious consistency needed for a seamless online and offline experience. The website, while functional, struggled with user engagement and failed to convey the company's rich history and expertise. The challenge was clear: to elevate Griffin Welding's digital persona to match the grandeur of their welding services.

The Blueprint

Our journey started with an in-depth research phase, peeling back layers to understand Griffin Welding's current brand perception and online sentiment. Social media sentiment analysis revealed insights into the public's perception, and user interviews provided a nuanced understanding of client expectations. Armed with this knowledge, a roadmap began to take shape.

Strategic Opportunities Identified:

  1. Brand Consistency: Strengthening and unifying the brand across all touchpoints.
  2. Online Presence: Crafting a more professional and positive digital persona.
  3. Content Creation: Developing SEO-friendly content to showcase expertise.
  4. Functionality: Prioritizing intuitive navigation and mobile responsiveness.
  5. SEO: Optimizing the website for improved search engine visibility.

Refining Griffin Welding's brand was akin to polishing an old coin to reveal gold underneath the grime. The existing logo, a well-established mark for the business, served as the cornerstone. However, a decision was made to anchor the brand in a bold shade of red—a color discovered on one of Griffin Welding's staple welding trucks. This not only added vibrancy but also visually unified the brand across all channels. With typography enhancements, a carefully curated color palette, and a comprehensive Brand Guideline, we had laid the foundation for a cohesive and recognizable digital identity.

We navigated a rigorous process, strategically incorporating key checkpoints and reviews. In just a couple of months, we fully comprehended Griffin Welding's objectives and crafted an exceptional website, from sketch to functionality.

Unearthing inspiration from Griffin Welding's welding truck, we transformed the brand by anchoring it in a bold red hue—injecting vibrancy and creating a cohesive visual identity across all channels.

Identifying target users for Griffin Welding's website involves honing in on construction companies and large contractors seeking welding expertise for substantial projects. Strategic content customization ensures these key stakeholders can easily identify and connect with Griffin Welding, facilitating engagement and forging valuable partnerships.

Crafting the User Experience

User Personas

User personas emerged from insightful interviews, guiding us through the maze of user preferences. Journey mapping highlighted pain points, steering our design towards a user-centric approach.

1. Information Accessibility
  • Discovery: Existing clients emphasized the necessity for information accessibility on mobile devices, particularly for on-site supervisors who may need quick access to certifications while in the field.
  • Implication: Mobile responsiveness became a key consideration in the design process, ensuring that all pertinent information, including certifications and qualifications, was accessible and user-friendly on various devices.
2. Service Details Navigation
  • Discovery: Potential clients faced challenges in finding specific details about Griffin Welding's welding services.
  • Implication: This highlighted the need for a clear and concise service page layout, ensuring potential clients could easily access detailed information about the welding services offered.
3. Contact Us Process
  • Discovery: Users found the "Contact Us" process on the existing website somewhat confusing, leading to potential drop-offs.
  • Implication: The feedback informed the decision to add a prominent call-to-action button on the homepage, streamlining the user's path to contact Griffin Welding.

Journey Mapping

1. User Pain Points
  • Discovery: Mapping the user journey uncovered pain points related to the complexity of navigating through the existing website.
  • Implication: This underscored the need for a more intuitive sitemap and navigation system to enhance the overall user experience.
2. Content Accessibility
  1. Discovery: Users struggled to find specific details about Griffin Welding's welding projects and expertise.
  2. Implication: The journey mapping process informed the decision to strategically place relevant text, images, and interactive elements to engage visitors and guide them towards the desired actions.

These discoveries collectively informed the user-centric design approach, ensuring that the redesigned website addressed specific user needs and pain points. From optimizing information accessibility to streamlining contact processes, each insight played a pivotal role in shaping the strategic decisions made during the design and development phases.

Webflow's intuitive design and structure tools enabled me to create a well-organized site structure by easily arranging and categorizing content. The platform's flexibility allowed for the seamless creation of navigation menus, dynamic pages, and a logical hierarchy, ensuring a user-friendly experience and efficient site navigation.

Setting up the Griffin Welding site on Webflow with a Content Management System (CMS) streamlines content updates and ensures a dynamic online presence. With Webflow's intuitive design tools and CMS capabilities, Griffin Welding can easily manage and update project portfolios, service offerings, and client testimonials, empowering them to showcase their latest work and maintain a professional and engaging website.

Seamlessly Blending Aesthetics and Functionality

Careful planning and organization of content were essential to effectively communicate Griffin Welding's services and value proposition. Relevant text, images, and interactive elements were strategically placed to engage visitors and guide them towards desired actions.

  • Branding Integration: Our branding decisions weren't arbitrary; they were a meticulous fusion of aesthetics and functionality. The design seamlessly integrated Griffin Welding's brand elements, creating a cohesive and recognizable product identity that extends beyond visual appeal.
  • Iterative Wireframing: Low-fidelity wireframes allowed for ideation on user flows and the testing of different design concepts. An iterative process refined the wireframes to optimize information hierarchy and achieve a user-friendly layout.
  • Interactive Elements: Purposeful integration of interactive elements was a cornerstone of our design philosophy. From strategically placed buttons to subtle animations, every interactive element was thoughtfully designed to enhance user engagement and contribute to a dynamic and intuitive interface.
  • Compelling High-Fidelity Mockups: High-fidelity mockups showcased the final look and feel of the website. These mockups incorporated branding elements, typography, color schemes, and imagery, resulting in a visually appealing and cohesive design aligned with Griffin Welding's brand identity.

Visual Hierarchy, Accessibility, Scalability, and Mobile Responsiveness

  • Visual Hierarchy: The design prioritized information through a clear visual hierarchy. Color, typography, and layout were strategically used to guide users seamlessly through the site.
  • Accessibility Features: Accessibility features were incorporated to ensure an inclusive user experience, aligning with UI/UX principles.
  • Scalability: Future-proofing the design was paramount. We carefully considered scalability, ensuring that the platform remains flexible enough to adapt to Griffin Welding's potential expansion of services or offerings. This forward-thinking approach guarantees that our design investment stands the test of time. We included CMS collections that fueled job postings, client showcases, projects, and more - all of which were built in from launch.
  • Mobile Responsiveness: In a world dominated by diverse devices, mobile responsiveness is not an afterthought but a priority. We emphasized a seamless and user-friendly experience across various devices, recognizing the critical role of mobile interactions in today's digital landscape.

With CMS in Webflow, template pages can be effortlessly created, allowing for consistent design across multiple pages. This not only ensures a cohesive and professional look but also simplifies content management, as updates made to the template automatically reflect on all associated pages.

Google Analytics provided invaluable insights into user flows and UI/UX design statistics, allowing for a data-driven approach to optimizing the website. By analyzing user behavior, page views, and engagement metrics, I gained a deeper understanding of how visitors interacted with the site, enabling informed decisions to enhance the overall user experience and improve key design elements.

Sparks After Launch

The grand reveal was met with positive feedback. But a crafted digital presence is an evolving entity. Analytics became our compass, guiding post-launch iterations.

  • Post-Launch Iterations: Analytics unearthed opportunities for refinement. Iterative design changes addressed user drop-off points, enhancing engagement and restructuring content for optimal user interaction.
  • Analytics-Informed Strategy: Monthly analytics reviews became a ritual. The insights garnered shaped targeted content and advertising efforts, resulting in a tangible uptick in inquiries.

The Griffin Welding website transformation wasn't just a project; it was a melding (or welding together) of strategic thinking, meticulous design, and digital craftsmanship. From the strategic research phase to the careful strokes of branding, and the precision of Webflow's development tools, each element contributed to a harmonious online presence.

The result is more than a website; it's a testament to the art of digital storytelling. Griffin Welding's online identity now stands as robust as the metal they mold—bold, consistent, and resonating with the strength of their craftsmanship.

The Wins

Increased Website Traffic:

  • Pre-launch: unknown - no reporting set up
  • Post-launch: +70% since launch in 2020
  • Result: Website traffic doubled, indicating improved online visibility and interest.

Social Media Uptake:

  • Pre-launch: unknown - no reporting set up
  • Post-launch: 2k+ acquisitions solely from Organic Social
  • Result: Social media presence grew substantially, contributing to a broader online community and brand recognition.

The sparks ignited at the launch continue to illuminate the path forward, symbolizing not only a refined online presence but an ongoing commitment to innovation and user satisfaction. In this evolving symphony of digital evolution, Griffin Welding stands as a testament to the enduring power of strategic design and the continuous pursuit of excellence.

Google Analytics proved instrumental in deciphering customer acquisition and understanding user flows from diverse channels. By tracking traffic sources, conversion paths, and user behavior, it provided valuable insights into the effectiveness of marketing strategies across different platforms, guiding informed decisions to optimize acquisition channels and enhance the overall user journey.

Get Stocked animated ad featuring a spinning can and a launch promotion.
Cross Culture Kombucha window cling design in a mockup.
Marketing one sheet designs for Cross Culture Kombucha
Digital Packaging Slip prototype for ReserveBar, Minibar, and Get Stocked
Strength In Numbers brand identity.
ReserveBar 10 year anniversary logo animation
Manewayz ad showcasing the app prototype
Hops on the Hill brand identity and packaging design
Website design for Funtastic World Travel
Get Stocked animated ad featuring a spinning can and a launch promotion.
Cross Culture Kombucha window cling design in a mockup.
Marketing one sheet designs for Cross Culture Kombucha
Digital Packaging Slip prototype for ReserveBar, Minibar, and Get Stocked
Strength In Numbers brand identity.
ReserveBar 10 year anniversary logo animation
Manewayz ad showcasing the app prototype
Hops on the Hill brand identity and packaging design
Website design for Funtastic World Travel
Sky Casper's Gag Reflex marketing campaign
CVV Key app prototype
Cross Culture Kombucha Booch Bus with custom illustrated vehicle wrap.
Pinch Media website design and prototype.
ReserveBar Black Friday sale
J's Homemade Elderberry Syrup brand identity and packaging design.
Manewayz ad showcasing the app prototype
Social media ads fro This Is It! bar in Milwaukee.
Llanllyr Source Water website prototype
Sky Casper's Gag Reflex marketing campaign
CVV Key app prototype
Cross Culture Kombucha Booch Bus with custom illustrated vehicle wrap.
Pinch Media website design and prototype.
ReserveBar Black Friday sale
J's Homemade Elderberry Syrup brand identity and packaging design.
Manewayz ad showcasing the app prototype
Social media ads fro This Is It! bar in Milwaukee.
Llanllyr Source Water website prototype
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